Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Dah tiba masa, untuk memberi pendapat tetap pilitik Malaysia. apa yang boleh saya bagitau sebagai genarasi muda, politik Malaysia memang kotor, kecuali di belah timur, dan segelintir pemimpin yang masih memimpin secara amanah. 

Secara jujur, mana ada menteri, menteri besar, adun, atau mana ahli politik yang menang bertanding, tidak tukar kereta baru? mana dapat duit tu..? sedangkan masih banyak lagi rakyat yang memerlukan wang dan hidup dalam kedaifan. mana tak kaya, setiap tender, 20%. kalau dah projek berjumlah satu juta, tak 200k masuk dalam poket. Orang kaya akan makin kaya, dan orang miskin akn makin daif. itulah hakikat. Nama pun politik indah khabar dari rupa.

Secara jujurnye, sejak 1998, saya memang meminati DS Anwar Ibarahim dan mengikuti perkembangan pergerakan politik nyer. Anwar seorang yang berjiwa pemimpin and sangat berpengaruh, kata2 beliau boleh  mendatangkan kepercayaan dan hasutan. ini membuatkan kan pihak kerajaan takut akan kemaraan anwar ibrahim. perbagai fitnah yang di lontarkan kepada anwar. entah betul entah tidak, tetapi orang berkuasa apa2 dia bole buat.

balik pada kes anwar, setahu saya, pembunuh bersiri pun tidak kena seteruk anway pada tahun 1998, ketika ikut umah anwar, bekalan elektriknyer di potong, seperti pesalah yang amat berbahaya. Anwar juga di pukul terus oleh bekas ketua polis negara, sehingga Anwar membuat laporan polis, tetapi mana hukuman terhadap ketua polis itu, yang kini senang lenang disisi keluarga.

tak bole ckp panjang nnt saya pulak di ISA, hak bersuara di negara kita mmg terhad, sedangkan anwar membuat ceramah di kediaman milik persendirian juga di kacau oleh pihak polis. di negara lain, pihak pembangkang juga bole membuat kempen di television, tetapi negara kita, hanya ke burukan pembangkang yang akan di siarkan di television. 




Monday, May 2, 2011

sum call him hero, sum call him a terrorist.

2 May 2011- special day for me. yea it may birthday, i have same birthday with david beckham. maybe this date make a lot of gimmicks, and this date oso born a wonderful people that will create a arts of the world. while i busy replying a wishes from peers, and celebrating, the whole busy talking about about Osama Bin Laden killed by USA.

if really he was dead on my birthday, it was new history on this date. im so glad to born on 2nd of may. haha. but i also sad, because Afghanistan still not free from US army. what i imagine that Osama will fight till their country free from someone that just think about money that people life. therefore ppl said, rich ppl will become richer, by poor ppl will be more poor.

for me Osama Laden fight for something rite, and USA got some trick that ppl duno. i hope God will show the justice for the world i can't said nothing much.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

10 Changes That Facebook Has Brought To Your Life

Facebook is world’s greatest social network now and it is effecting our lives so much in both ways, either it is about being close to your family and friends or it is about sitting all the time in front of your computer and wasting time on playing farm games.
It all depends on how you make use of this social network, there is a lot of useful stuff that you can do on facebook that will help a lot in your life.
10. You have a facebook and your friend updates a status saying that she had a bad day or is about to lose her job or her boyfriend has dumped her or anything. Then obviously you try to call her and try to fix her problem. That is an advantage of facebook usage no doubt.
9. Facebook has made it easy for you to find the perfect match for you so easily, all you do is to ask your friend about an introduction with some of his or her friends and you get to know people easily.
8. Facebook gaming has changed our life so much, you have a course book in front of you and you are thinking of what time is it? Are my crops about to whither? Or I need to harvest the crops or make the dishes in my café.
7. People get to know you more due to your facebook Fan club; people now promote their business through the fan pages or groups.
6. Facebook has become a way to find a perfect job for you; people now use the advertisement on facebook for the perfect job search.
5. Like the Egypt resolution, all of us know that it went through facebook as facebook allows us to join a movement of our choice, the freedom of speech and writing is given to you so people use facebook to get the results of those things which seem impossible.
4. Now wall has become the place of MEETING friends and family, you don’t go to the person’s home or if you are busy enough t pick up the phone. Now you do only that you write something on their wall.
3. Photos or video sharing has keep the things so easy for us now that you can upload a lot of photo at a time and you can easily keep a record of your life’s happiness and let your friends be a part of it.
2. It is your favorite event coming and you need to be updated about everything and facebook does this for you now.
1. The fun part of the change in our life is the Facebook’s Birthday reminder, in this world of being busy you don’t have time to remember the birthdays of all of your friends, so with this facebook birthday reminder you get to wish your friends.

The cruelest leader ever.

It’s clear why the Nazi leader is number one. There are people still alive to retell about the evils he has done. The cruelest leader in the human history was elected for German chancellor in 1933, became Fuhrer one year later and remained leader of the country until the suicide in 1945, when Germany lost the World War II. He had intention to create a new order where Nazi Germans would be dominant, so he built a lot of gas chambers where he killed somewhere between 11 and 14 million people, mostly Jews. Despite the gas chambers, he started the biggest and cruelest was that the humanity remembers, in which about 50 million people were killed.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This month we are celebrating LOVE.

Real love is something invaluable to all of our lives. You cannot know how to express your love, until you know what your partner values. What does love look like to your partner? You may shovel the snow to show love, but if your partner needs to be hugged and told they are more precious than anything else in your life, you could shovel 10 feet of snow and they wouldn’t feel loved. If your partner feels loved when they have a home cooked meal and you pride yourself by saying, “ I love you” every day when u wake up from sleep, but then are too busy to take the time to cook, you may be rejecting them without understanding their withdrawal. You expressed love your way, but not theirs.

sound of human ministry idea.

semua org boleh jadi engineer kan!

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.