Monday, May 2, 2011

sum call him hero, sum call him a terrorist.

2 May 2011- special day for me. yea it may birthday, i have same birthday with david beckham. maybe this date make a lot of gimmicks, and this date oso born a wonderful people that will create a arts of the world. while i busy replying a wishes from peers, and celebrating, the whole busy talking about about Osama Bin Laden killed by USA.

if really he was dead on my birthday, it was new history on this date. im so glad to born on 2nd of may. haha. but i also sad, because Afghanistan still not free from US army. what i imagine that Osama will fight till their country free from someone that just think about money that people life. therefore ppl said, rich ppl will become richer, by poor ppl will be more poor.

for me Osama Laden fight for something rite, and USA got some trick that ppl duno. i hope God will show the justice for the world i can't said nothing much.

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