Sunday, February 27, 2011

10 Changes That Facebook Has Brought To Your Life

Facebook is world’s greatest social network now and it is effecting our lives so much in both ways, either it is about being close to your family and friends or it is about sitting all the time in front of your computer and wasting time on playing farm games.
It all depends on how you make use of this social network, there is a lot of useful stuff that you can do on facebook that will help a lot in your life.
10. You have a facebook and your friend updates a status saying that she had a bad day or is about to lose her job or her boyfriend has dumped her or anything. Then obviously you try to call her and try to fix her problem. That is an advantage of facebook usage no doubt.
9. Facebook has made it easy for you to find the perfect match for you so easily, all you do is to ask your friend about an introduction with some of his or her friends and you get to know people easily.
8. Facebook gaming has changed our life so much, you have a course book in front of you and you are thinking of what time is it? Are my crops about to whither? Or I need to harvest the crops or make the dishes in my café.
7. People get to know you more due to your facebook Fan club; people now promote their business through the fan pages or groups.
6. Facebook has become a way to find a perfect job for you; people now use the advertisement on facebook for the perfect job search.
5. Like the Egypt resolution, all of us know that it went through facebook as facebook allows us to join a movement of our choice, the freedom of speech and writing is given to you so people use facebook to get the results of those things which seem impossible.
4. Now wall has become the place of MEETING friends and family, you don’t go to the person’s home or if you are busy enough t pick up the phone. Now you do only that you write something on their wall.
3. Photos or video sharing has keep the things so easy for us now that you can upload a lot of photo at a time and you can easily keep a record of your life’s happiness and let your friends be a part of it.
2. It is your favorite event coming and you need to be updated about everything and facebook does this for you now.
1. The fun part of the change in our life is the Facebook’s Birthday reminder, in this world of being busy you don’t have time to remember the birthdays of all of your friends, so with this facebook birthday reminder you get to wish your friends.

The cruelest leader ever.

It’s clear why the Nazi leader is number one. There are people still alive to retell about the evils he has done. The cruelest leader in the human history was elected for German chancellor in 1933, became Fuhrer one year later and remained leader of the country until the suicide in 1945, when Germany lost the World War II. He had intention to create a new order where Nazi Germans would be dominant, so he built a lot of gas chambers where he killed somewhere between 11 and 14 million people, mostly Jews. Despite the gas chambers, he started the biggest and cruelest was that the humanity remembers, in which about 50 million people were killed.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This month we are celebrating LOVE.

Real love is something invaluable to all of our lives. You cannot know how to express your love, until you know what your partner values. What does love look like to your partner? You may shovel the snow to show love, but if your partner needs to be hugged and told they are more precious than anything else in your life, you could shovel 10 feet of snow and they wouldn’t feel loved. If your partner feels loved when they have a home cooked meal and you pride yourself by saying, “ I love you” every day when u wake up from sleep, but then are too busy to take the time to cook, you may be rejecting them without understanding their withdrawal. You expressed love your way, but not theirs.

sound of human ministry idea.

semua org boleh jadi engineer kan!

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.

Beware of internet dating....

haa, sekrang saper nak jawab..?


hahaha harini ada benda menarik dan tertarik nak di kongsi.

50 Romantic Things to do with your Girlfriend

  1. Watch the sunset together.
  2. Whispers to each other.
  3. Cook for each other.
  4. Measure intake based on activity, not how you "feel"; need mandates intake, not mood.
  5. Walk in the rain.
  6. Hold Hands
  7. Buy small gifts for each other
  8. Gift Roses
  9. Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear every time you're together.
  10. Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.
  11. Write poetry for each other.
  12. Hugs are the universal medicine.
  13. Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it.
  14. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.
  15. Tell her that she's the only girl you ever want. Don't lie!
  16. Spend every second possible together.
  17. Look into each other's eyes.
  18. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.
  19. When in public flirt each other.
  20. Put love notes in their pockets when they aren't looking.
  21. Buy her a ring.
  22. Sing to each other.
  23. Always hold her around her hips/sides.
  24. Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two-deal
  25. Spaghetti? (Ever see Lady and the Tramp?)
  26. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart.
  27. Dance together.
  28. I love the way a girl looks right after she's fallen asleep with her head in my lap.
  29. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that they have to look in a mirror to read it.
  30. Make excuses to call them every 5 minutes
  31. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you.
  32. Call from your vacation spot to tell them you were thinking about them.
  33. Remember your dreams and tell her about them.
  34. Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears.
  35. Be Prince Charming to her parents.
  36. Brush her hair out of her face for her.
  37. Hang out with his/her friends.
  38. Go to church/pray/ worship together.
  39. Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she liked.
  40. Learn from each other and don't make the same mistake twice.
  41. Describe the joy you feel just to be with him/her.
  42. Make sacrifices for each other.
  43. Really love each other, or don't stay together.
  44. Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren't thinking about them, and make sure they know it.
  45. Love yourself before you love anyone else.
  46. Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages.
  47. Dedicate songs to them on the radio.
  48. Fall asleep on the phone with each other.
  49. Stand up for them when someone talks trash.
  50. Never forget the kiss goodnight and always remember to say,"Sweet dreams."

Mess with Your Friends on FACEBOOK

Remember, a true Facebook friend is a friend NO MATTER WHAT!

Friday, February 18, 2011

porn is hurting but stil bring a job to pornstar.

At a time when it seems like no business is hiring, the porn industry in Southern California is still producing round the clock.

More people than ever are watching porn, and high demand is all that an industry needs to grow and keep jobs coming.The US is the top producer of video pornography in the world and Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley is the porn capital, with 90 percent of the industry.This huge appetite for sex is helping people to get their lives on track.

“There are new girls coming every day. Hundreds of them,” said adult film performer Kelly Devine.

Devine was hesitant at first to get into the business, but short on money and job prospects, she drove across the country from Pennsylvania to cash in on the sex trade.

“I was worried about what other people would think and I didn’t even know what was thinking, but I was going through a really tough time, I was so broke,” said Devine.

America’s insatiable desire for porn isn’t just helping the performers stay employed.US porn revenue exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS and NBC. In Los Angeles, one of the busiest sites for on location filming is this building operated by an adult film studio.

“There is no doubt that there are tens of thousands of people impacted by the porn industry,” said Steven Hirsch, founder of Vivid Entertainment. “Either they work directly in the business or someone in their family works in the business,” Hirsch said.

Keeping people working at a time when southern California is battered by record unemployment and imploding finances.

Vivid entertainment’s stable of stars, includes the Russian born Russo twins. Taylor Russo was struggling, working in an office and as a waitress.She decided to trade her two jobs for what she sees as a more exciting and lucrative life in the adult film world.She is not the only one switching from a business suit to a G-string.

“Who knows your bank teller might be a porn star,” said Russo.

Director B. Skow said he has seen women from all different types of jobs make the move into adult film because of financial necessity.

“I get everyone from accountants, to dental assistants, to librarians teachers, I had a girl who worked at Walt Disney World,” he explained.

With the emergence of the Internet, many aspiring porn stars have found it unnecessary to hook up with big production companies, but it has also forced many of them to push the envelope even further to make a buck off sex.

“I know girls who have gotten into it and they’re willing to do anything and they still can’t get hired,” said Russo.

It is this that concerns many conservative groups, who see porn as exploitation of women.

“I understand, but it’s not your right to tell someone else what they can’t do,” said Hirsch.“There’s no morality police out there.People have the right to watch, adults have the right to watch what they want in their home,” Hirsch added.

In this age of risqué cable shows like True Blood or Californication, it is obvious that sex as entertainment is becoming more mainstream. In southern California, it is also keeping many people from becoming unemployed.

Porn journalist Gram Ponante said the porn industry has become more difficult with increased competition, but there are still jobs and those who desire can make a good living in the industry.

The Internet and new technologies have made porn more accessible for free, making it harder to earn big money in porn. This has impacted the industry, but innovative individuals interested in the industry still do well, he added.

“If you want to get paid for it then you need wider distribution, same thing with mainstream Hollywood movies,” Ponante explained.

There is so much porn available, the value is going down, but it is creating more and more jobs.

Porn has grown in America in part to the pornographic nature of some mainstream TV shows, like Spartacus and Californication.

“No less pornography is being made today as a result of widespread acceptance of it,” he said.

As porn becomes more widespread, it becomes more and more relevant, with more Americans seeking out and enjoying porn.

Ponante argued that in the future larger studies will begin to fall, but individuals will take on new revenue models based on online porn websites with a quasi one-on-one relationship design.

“People still want a more or less tactile relationship with a porn star,” he explained. “More and more porn stars are able to deliver that. “

story board ku.

hahahaha sorry baru belajar letak video hahahahha. selamat menonton.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Story board- Sampai Syurga

this is my assignments, last semester. Subject photo com. this video is actually a pictures that been snap continuously. it takes 4884 pic. the best thing about this video, it done in one whole day. i started shooting 6.00 am in the morning n done editing at night even the deadline another one month but i love to see it done earlier. =). it very tiring on that day, one think that you should know it individual assignments, i repeat INDIVIDUAL. hahahha. this video id called stop motion, i very familiar with this technique because i did it before when i was in high school. i duno wat title should i give for this video, so i juz use SAMPAI SYURGA because am using Faizal Tahir -sampai syurga as a background music. this shooting done 100% in Melaka, n genuine by me, with genuine love.

thats all from yr genuine fizzy.. love.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

test test bb!

Using blackberry, make my life easier, thank to my mum for buying me bb bold 9700 last year. Using blackberry I can write my diary everywhere I wan! For me my blog is for my diary, because since I make it, I have no follow n I hide it frm anybody. No one know that I have blog. Mybe one day I wil publish my blog. Hahaha.

For this post this to test from my bb! Just for now.
Love fizy!

Pernah Dengar Petua

selalu org lame2 cakap biar kaya iman, harga tidak bole dibawa mati, hahaha kenakan dengan tajuk. hahahha
kenape bukan nak ckp pasal petua pun. ini tentang diri aku. aku di lahir kan di hospital besar Kuala lumpur, pada 2 haribulan 5 1991. tahun ini 2011 bermakna sudah 2 dekad aku hidup di tanah ciptaan illahi, aku beragama islam, dan aku bangga lahir sebagai islam.

aku dibesar kan di subang jaya, selangor. disini la suka duka, aku dibesarkan. aku seorang yang suka berdikarri. aku x suka dipimpin. mungkin itu membuat aku lambat belajar tetap aku ada usaha sendir untuk belajar. sbb tu aku seorang yg berdikari walaupun ramai pemimpin tidaj menyukai rakyat yg keras kepala.

"Pemimpin tidak lahir daripada dewan kuliah, pemimpin sanggup hadapi kancah masalah dan keluar drpd kelompok rakan sebaya."

aku menpunyai keyakinan diri yang tinggi. aku seorang ahli sukan yang berjaya pada hari yang lampau. aku memulakan pendidikan di tadika agama ss19 yang mana tadika membuktikan aku seorang yg nakal, dan aku 'dibuang tadika' hahaha. aku menyambung pengajian tadika aku di tadikan ladybird USJ 2. disini aku muka mengenali bahasa english and chinese. aku memasuki darjah satu pada tahun 1998 di Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Selangor. ke sekolah menemgeh di. SMK USJ4. di sini tempat aku di UP kan hahahha. kemudian aku kini di UiTM Melaka mengambil bidang komunikasi dan media. aku harap terus aku terus maju jaya disini.

aku suka berkawan, aku suka bela haiwan, aku suka pada perlentokan, tetapi aku tidak mengerti untuk menerangkan. kenal aku, itu la aku, aku bukan dua, aku hanye simple.

gtg. love fizy/baku...

                                                      peryu-perghhh berbaju melayu.

3 idiot.

I just finish watching hindustan movies '3 idiots', starring by amir khan and kareena kapoor. it about 3 friend that are genius and finding there goal; in life. the 3 frens Rancho, Farhan and Raju studying in engineering school, where they are meet and starting to know each others. they're roomates.

Rancho is the most genius student in that school, and he very concern about they friend and humanbeing. their head of school, Mr Virus is very strict and cant accept any compentetive. he very angry to Rancho of his genius and challenging Mr Virus. because of Rancho, Farhan and Raju in trouble by Mr virus, because of his fwen 'Rancho'.

im very touch on this movie. it not easy for my tear drop to the floor. but the friendship in this movie make me touch. i learnd alot of good moral values in this movie. almot 3 hours duration of this movies make me feel like 3 mins because every scenes in this movie come with good idea, thumbs up for the writer for 3 idiots manuscripts.
finally Mr Virus changed, because of this 3 idiots, and Mr virus know the values of people life, before this he throw their student future and make people suffer. i wish im genius as WANGDU. watch it yrself then only you. you wont regret for watching this movies.

i hope i can get those friendship in this movies. it will be long story about my friendship. miss the pass! and it sleep in dream experiences.

Selamat Menonton!
                                                             rancho/wangdu/amir khan
                                                                          Mr Virus
                                                                 Pia/Kareena Kapoor