Saturday, February 5, 2011

Story board- Sampai Syurga

this is my assignments, last semester. Subject photo com. this video is actually a pictures that been snap continuously. it takes 4884 pic. the best thing about this video, it done in one whole day. i started shooting 6.00 am in the morning n done editing at night even the deadline another one month but i love to see it done earlier. =). it very tiring on that day, one think that you should know it individual assignments, i repeat INDIVIDUAL. hahahha. this video id called stop motion, i very familiar with this technique because i did it before when i was in high school. i duno wat title should i give for this video, so i juz use SAMPAI SYURGA because am using Faizal Tahir -sampai syurga as a background music. this shooting done 100% in Melaka, n genuine by me, with genuine love.

thats all from yr genuine fizzy.. love.

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